Echocardiography Workshop Day
The Libyan Cardiac Society would like to invite you to attend Echocardiography Workshop on Diastology and Right Ventricular Assessment by Dr. Ammar Allaluki at Tripoli University Hospital this Thursday, November 3rd, 2022 at 8:30 AM at the Cardiology Non-invasive lab in building one, 1st floor.
Workshop Objectives:
- Proper assessment of left ventricular diastolic function
- Echocardiographic assessment of Constrictive pericarditis
- Right heart chambers assessment
Registration is based on first come, first served basis and restricted to society members. Maximum number of attendees 15
البرنامج يتضمن محاضرات نظرية وتدريب عملي. الحضور للاطياء المسجلين بجمعية القلب الليبية