Membership benefits
As a member of the Libyan Cardiac Society, you are automatically a member of the European Society of Cardiology and the ESC Community.
As a member of the Libyan Cardiac Society, you would benefit from the society membership privileges at the World Heart Federation and the International Society of Hypertension.
As a member of the Libyan Cardiac Society, you are allowed to receive a discounted annual access to CardioSource Plus educational library offered by the American College of Cardiology.
As a member of the Libyan Cardiac Society, you receive free registration to the society annual scientific meeting.
As a member of the Libyan Cardiac Society, you receive priority registration to the society educational activities.
Membership types
Fellow membership
Fellow member should be a Libyan physician who holds post graduate training degree in any cardiovascular disease specialties, e.g., diploma, master, PhD or board certification in adult cardiology, pediatric cardiology, cardiac surgery, vascular surgery, or cardiac anesthesia. The Libyan Cardiac Society bylaws allows to fellow members of the society the right to vote and sit on the executive board of the Libyan Cardiac Society.
Associate membership
Associate member should be a practicing physician in any cardiovascular disease specialties for at least 3 years in Libya.